
your personal movie database

A million movies and nothing to watch! We get it. It’s movie night and you can’t decide what to watch or where to watch it. You’re hopping around from streaming service to google and back to another streaming service. You’ve seen this movie, and you’re not sure about that one. A movie comes to mind but you’ve no idea where you can watch it. You wish there was just one application where everything was organized. 

Introducing reelistr, your personal movie database where you can keep track of movies you’ve watched and want to watch! Create customized lists, review movies, and find where to watch your favorite movies!

Developed by:
Angelica Melo

Rey Xeka

Daniel Barker

Luke Haskell


Deployed Site:



reelistr gitlab


Python, FastAPI, React, Javascript, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL


Users will have access to a database of movies through which they can browse through, search and see “what’s coming soon and trending”.

Member users can edit their account information, create lists, add movies they have watched to their library, add movies they want to watch to their watchlists, and create customized lists to organize movies into “collections”.

Wireframe design of reelistr core functionality:

Main Page: Welcome to reelistr! On this page a user will be able to scroll through upcoming and trending movies, and recent reviews. Users will be able to register for an account and members will be able to log in.

User Profile: A page to showcase a user’s watchlist, movie collections, and reviews.

Movie Detail: A page that would show details of the specific movie chosen. Also on this page, reviews of that specific movie, a form to leave a review and buttons to add to watchlist or collections.

Wireframe design of reelistr core functionality

reelistr prototype designed in Figma.

reelistr features

See the synopsis, movie poster, and reviews for a movie. If you’re a member you can add your own review.

Press the button on the right to add a specific movie to your watchlist.

Members can quickly access their watchlist movies, movie collections, and reviews from their profile.

< Third party api integration (The Movie Database) allowed us access to upcoming and trending movies, in addition to the ability to search for a movie.

The movies are displayed in a responsive media scroller. Click on a movie poster and be redirected to the movie detail page where you can see a synopsis, reviews, add the movie to your watchlist.

Become a member of reelistr and gain access to special features. These include, adding your watchlist, and creating custom movie collections so you can keep the movies you love organized and accessible.

Once a user registers, they are logged in and redirected to their profile page where they can start making movie collections.

Organize your favorite movies into custom movie collections. “Date Night”, “Girl’s Night”, “Rainy Day” you decide how to group the movies you love.


Voter Formation Project

